
心理历程 60

The years are long, the time is shallow, and the picture of the season is stretched in the fragrance of flowers. Spring with green grass and flowers, the first start of the orderly change of the four seasons, the hope of banishing spring together, so that the scenery of fleeting years is suitable far and near, so that the graceful shade of the years is appropriate, all the way to experience, all the way to fragrance, all the time to think and understand, and all the time to grow up, thick life, so that life is interesting and hopeful in steadfastness.

Open the memory of time, open the door of the season, the sayoke and willows of spring are green, or bring drizzle, or bring a slight breeze, when the time is ripe, banish the hope of spring, let life in the constantly rich experience, give and take, have feelings and insights, in the interesting hope of life, nourish the interesting soul, contented and happy, tranquil and carefree.

As Mr. Yang Jiang said, "The happiness we pursue all our lives is neither in the past nor in the future, but in the present, the scenery in our eyes, the Chinese food in our bowls and the people around us.". Life is always too late, a blink of an eye is a day, a turn back is a year, a turn around is a lifetime, three meals in four seasons, family sitting idly, happiness and well-being, amiable lights, is the good times of the world.

Flowing years will pick up the flowers of spring a little bit, decorating those simple happiness and happiness in ordinary years. In the light of time, the joys and sorrows scattered in the past are slowly precipitated in the fragrance of spring. In the days that can not be repeated and replaced, Yu Chun banished new hopes, experienced and felt the warmth in the fireworks of the world, had interesting and hopeful ordinary years, and laughed for the rest of his life.

Follow the spring, in the rigorous time, the streamer light around the fingertips, the fragrance of flowers in the heart. A little light rain, a little spring, a lot of deep feeling, a little yearning, watching the years come and go in a hurry, banishing the hope of spring, making the world lovely, increasing, enjoying the vitality of the world in the fading away of time, keeping a happy and leisurely heart in the interesting and hopeful life.

Lu Yao once wrote in "The Ordinary World": "We should not only be down-to-earth in real life, but also jump out of reality to look at the ideal platform from time to time. Establish a full system in the spiritual world, leading us not to lose and not to slacken. When we wake up and fall into reality, we can bravely shoulder the burden of life without complaint. I think so.

Time is deep in the thinking of the years, in the love and courage of life, with the steadfastness of life, banishing the hope of the heart in spring. Through the four seasons, in the gains and losses, peace of mind waves, so that life is interesting and hopeful, so that life is good and unharmed, in the days as always, live up to all the beauty of spring.




循春光而行,在时间的严谨里,流光轻绕指尖,花香晕染心间。几点微雨处,几分春色中,几多深情里,几分惦念间,看岁月来匆匆,去匆匆,放逐春天的希望,让人间可爱,有增无减,在时光的渐行渐远中,悦赏人间生机蓬勃,在有趣有盼的生活里 ,保持一颗欢喜悠然的心。



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