

I Am Sorry For the True Words to the U.S.

My last book Getting Closer to the Famous Chinese Nationals in the 520yd.com left me with many emotional thoughts,so I decided to write down my 520yd.com sentimental attachment to the 520yd.com cultivated my passion to write,as the people I know in the 520yd.com me so much love and made me always care about 520yd.com I was on the way of the journey,I was so eager to share my feelings with other 520yd.com I was taking a walk with 520yd.com-Sai Kan in her garden,I was suddenly touched by what I 520yd.com was 520yd.com Annan's wife,who was knitting a Chinese style ornament beside the 520yd.com affect in that moment has brought me back 520yd.com this has triggered my writing interest and laid down a solid cognition foundation for the 520yd.com I am still sorry that I have said so many true words in the preface.I don't know since when I have realized that the best sound is gentle uttering.I used to read aloud my poems on some public occasions,feeling like more audience would make me more 520yd.com now when I see people read aloud something,I would rather run 520yd.comy it is because I have put on some age,and like to speak to myself,some dream-like words from the tip of a 520yd.com is just like sitting beside a river in the autumn,and you see the river is 520yd.com is flowing not because of its beauty;rather,the flowing itself is the beauty.

I have published 18 books since I hit on writing,among which 16 were for the readers and only 2 for my own 520yd.com two books are The Plait of Love and Lovers,Good 520yd.com former one forced me to quit the job in military and say goodbye to my 18-year army 520yd.com latter had been forbidden to sell before it came 520yd.com this book,The Last 48 Hours in Manhattan,is full of personal feelings and just like a real diary of my heart.

I have accumulated materials for a long time and started writing in two long holidays:Spring Festival and Labor Day 520yd.com this crowded and busy city,I wrote down my real 520yd.com book may not be very logical in compiling,and it is full of stream of consciousness and pieces of thoughts about the American society.

When I was writing the book,I met an architecture PhD by chance,and I mixed some space concept in the writing skills 520yd.com his ideas about urban planning and my criticizing on poems have been in another stage of so-called“post-moderni** in tradition”.When I was to finish the book,I accompanied a French art master to visit Guangzhou Sculpture 520yd.com walked around the park without saying a 520yd.com finally he did not talk about art itself but said that if an artist had never thought to be a master,then the city would not look greater out of his 520yd.com heard this,I seem to have the certain sense of guilty for this book.

The stories in the book are just part of my selections on the feelings of American value.I don't know whether it would show my perspectives of taste,but I believe I won't be intoxicated too much by this country and nor would I be totally unaffected by 520yd.com world is 520yd.com you bring back sands in the cold water or gold in the warm sun,and when you are fascinated by the essence of life as a patient gold digger and an anxious gold craft**an,you would be able to reach a higher level in life and accomplish achievements.

Not all writings show free minds,but women writers have more mystic and harmonious power from nature and society.

Strictly speaking,it is not a book about the U.S.,rather it is full of shattered pieces of thoughts from a woman's lonely journey.

So you would show indulgence on the writer's writing flaws,wouldn't you?Today is Mother Day in 2005,and I went down the street and bought a bunch of carnations for myself.I love myself in the tough world and,I love the world...

Yours Sincerely

Xiaoye Xiuzi

May 8th,2005

Baiyun Apartment

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