

Ecological Civilization from the perspective of the System Science

Li de-yang

From the perspective of the System Science, the article attempts to make some interpretation for the science basis of ecological civilization, philosophy meaning , track of the construction.

Ⅰ.Systems science provides a scientific basis for ecological


Because of the fear of death, life for humans is a very sensitive issue, from ancient times to now ,decrypting the phenomenon of life is an everlasting human impulse. Survival of life issue is always the concern of philosophy and science.

In the ancient Greek physics and philosophy, non-life and life were judged by the object requiring the original power to move or having self-movement ability. Since then, the phenomenon of life is explored along the two directions.

The first direction is to make the original movement object to move, depending on the external force,divinity teleology emerged ,then made the phenomenon of life to subsidence in the religious cult.

The second direction is to pursuit the power by self- movement. Because knowledge of the energy and information is very poor, explaining the world is only depended on the mechanical structure, so accompanying the mechani** ,Germination of modern science emerged.

Real life science was birth in the middle of the 20th century after the

emergence of the system science. In 1859 ,《Origin of Species》published by Darwin (Charles Robert Darwin) astounded the academic community at that time, in this book, Darwin submitted that life evolve from simple to complex, from low grade to high grade, and constantly survive and reproduce depending on natural selection and the struggle of heredity、variation、 existence. He criticized the theology,presented theory of biological evolution and opened up a new era of biology according to self-life the internal mechani**. But because it is still a macro change on the whole concept, has not the chain of meticulous evolution,so it can not be regarded as the strictly science.

Since the 20th century, 50 years, systems science、technology generation

and application in biology have brought vitality for the life sciences. DNA decryption reveals the mystery of biological heredity. DNA double helix model perfectly illustrates the main features of the genetic material, biochemical

and structure, it is an epoch-making event in the history of biology. DNA is the Earth only macromolecular system that can self-duplicate and can self-conserve,genetic information, it’s transcription、translation and tran**ission make the life process being a continuous process , the life just is becoming the life in this process. Life Sciences have a significance for modern science, since the 20th century ,ecology development indicates that the life evolution is a coevolution through macro-evolution with micro-evolution . It eliminates "life elements" hypothesis and dissolves the gap between life and non-life.

Basing on the natural history,Ecology is an ancient science, only when the view of ecosystem is inducted into the definition of Ecology,the relationship between biology and environmen is summarized as the material flow、energy exchange and information tran**ission, Ecology can enter the ranks of modern ecology , can find a real scientific basis. obviously,these basic concepts and methods are provided by systems science.

The relationship between biological phenomena and the environment will inevitably move toward systems and environmental research, the environment is the fundamental way to explain system structure and function, the ecological system is regarded as the open system. on this critical issue, Ilya Prigogine's far from equilibrium thermodynamics opened up a gap of closed system, provided development space for the ecology. In the 20th century,statistical physics, non-equilibrium thermodynamics or far from equilibrium thermodynamics were developed very much, science is interested in the orderly structure and self-organization of the open systems. "Discovering organization principle of the different levels" has led to the transformation of scientific research: from mechanistic towards a systematic theory, from static into dynamic, from the ****ysis towards the integrated, from inorganic substances into organic matter, and opened up the way for studying the life phenomenon.

Ecology is the science of studying the order, systemati**, regularization and purposiveness on the life 520yd.comg system thought,it interpreted life phenomenon and processes of the life world's development and evolution, evolution and degradation ,ect. Ecological civilization is mainly to explore the organizational principle of society, or to explore order and purpose on the giant social activity system. In these basic issues of life phenomena, the system of science not only abandons the the theological spirit of the traditional、cultural life , but also discarded the mechanistic view that regarding an organi** as a polymer, regarding the cell as a mechanical sum of organic molecules, regarding action as a collection of reflections, and issued that life sysyem is a self-organization, self-stabilization, self-regulating and self-transcendence system, and established a solid scientific basis for the concept of ecological civilization in order to reveal the essence of life , the active mechani** of ecological systems.

Ⅱ.Dialectical Holi** is as a connotation of the

philosophy of ecological civilization

The overall system theory underwent the simple theory --the overall Machinery theory--the overall dialectic theory--dialectical system theory.

The simple theory directly affirms that the world is a dynamic macroco**.the ancient philosophers having the simple dialectical thought generally insisted on this world view. But the content of the simple theory is very poor,so it is hazy, abstract and empty, that which changes from intuitioni**、sophistry to the surmise 、divinity teleology is easy. According to his "four causes theory " , Ari soil Dodd putted forward the view of the overall theory and the teleology, “the whole is greater than part” became the core of his system thought. But it was negated by latecomer Bacon's "new tool" theory in the period of modern science. However,this is contrary to Ari soil Dodd’s theory: the whole is equal to sum of its parts. The feature of the life phenomenon has been eliminated.

The overall Machinery theory occupys a major position in modern science, thinking that the world is cohereed by the molecules, atoms and other materials, the entire universe is made up of atoms of these "bricks universe". The basic suppose of this view is: the whole is constituted by the sum of its parts, and the overall internal structure and movement track followed a linear determini** principle. They believe that animals and people liking other non-living things are mechanical constituted by parts. So life and non-life difference in the overall machinery view is 520yd.com "animals are machines", "Man the machine" .Society is the special environment of human existence, the method that di**ounting the mechanical devices liking anatomy has also been extended to the community, the theory of organic whole of society emerged, mainly represented by the French philosopher Comte, the British philosopher Sri Lanka Spencer and the German philosopher, Schaefer, and so on. The basic suppose of these theory is that the whole is equal to sum of its 520yd.com is a undue behavior offending different system levels that the social organi** is confused with biological organi**s,utilizing biological principles instead of society rules to describe the social history.

It is a major work for modern dialectical thinkers to criticize the ueasonable mechanical 520yd.com mainly represented by Hegel、Marx, have put forward a new holi** - a dialectical holi**. Hegel believes that all exist things are in their mutual relations, the relations is a "self-related", and things are all living organi**s. He pointed out the mechanistic view is very superficial that the whole is divided into parts and parts separating from the whole are independent. In his view, although the whole is made by parts,the whole which divided into parts is not be the 520yd.com understand the whole,we must hold the entire interior and relations between the internal with external. Undering the guidance of social organi**, Marx who be a model in studying social organi**

by system method made a systematic

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