

Our story begins a very very long time ago with a younger girl. One day this girl spotted a rusted spaceship holding little star child.“ What’s your name? Are you lost? The girl asked the star child.

“ I’m Luma and I’m waiting for mama. She’s coming for me on a comet!” said the star child,who had been waiting day and night.

“Don’t worry. I’ll wait with you.” the little girl promised Luma.

As night fall,the girl borrowed her father’s telescope and peered into the sky. She looked and looked, but she saw nothing. Hours turned into days and then years,but still the sky revealed nothing.

Finally that little girl sighed and said to Luma:“ If we stay here looking much longer,I will be an old lady soon.”

But then she had an idea:“ Why don’t we go out there and find your mother ourselves?”

The girl and little,Luma fixed up the rusty spaceship and then the two set sail into the Starry sky.

And this is how the search for the celestial mother began.


One night the girl dreamed about her own mother.

“ Where are you going?” she asked her mother’s re treating back.

Without turning,her mother replied,“ Don’t fret ,dearest. I’m not going anywhere. I’m always watching over you, like the sun in the day and the moon in the night. A wave of sadness washed over the girl.

“ What about when it rains and I can’t see the sun or the moon?”

Her mother thought for a moment before responding.

“ I will turn into a star in the clouds and wait for your tears to dry“

When she awoke,the girl’s face was damn with tears. “You have Star Bits in your eyes.” said Luma to the girl.” Whipingher face,the girl replied:“ These are tears, not Star Bits. I’m crying because I will never see my mother ever again.”

At this,Luma began to cry too,“Mama,Oh,Mama...,waaaah!”

The pair traveled through the starry skies and though they encountered many other comets,not one of them held Luma’s 520yd.com was disappointed.

“Now,now, Luma. the rain clouds won’t go away if you keep crying,” the girl said, giving Luma a squeeze.

“I will give you a present if you stop.” The girl closed her eyes and said gently:“ I will take care of you.” With these words she felt a little spark in her heart.


After seeing their 100 th comet, a sudden thought popped into the girl’s head: “ I wonder if my home planet is still as blue as it was.”

Thats when she remembered her father’s telescope. Peeking into the telescope, a tiny blue dot floated into sight. It was little than a starBit.

“how strange...... It’is so far away but it feels so close.” She twisted the knob of the telescope and the blue dot grew until she could make out a grassy hill dotted with flowers. It seems very familiar to her.

Zooming ever closer,a terrace on the hill came into view.

“I used to go star gazing there when I lived on my home planet. she remembered rubbing the sheep out of her eyes as she followed her father up that hill to look at the stars. She remembered how she and her brother would sled down that hill. She remembered having picnics with her mother on that hill on bright and windy days......


“I want to go home. I want To Go home right now!” the girl burst into tears and the Lumas did not know what to do.

“I want to go home! I want to go back to my house by the hill! I want to see my mother!” the girl was shouting now her face wet with tears.

“But I know she is not there! I knew all along that she was’t out there in the sky! Because...... Because....”

“She’s sleeping under the tree on the hill.” the girls cries echoed through the stars, and a hush fell over the area.

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